Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Landed No Where....

It’s never been a part like eyes and tears
It will never stop crying and crying
It keep goes on…
It seems no one can stop the chain of pains

The sky cruiser flew like an eagle
Was taking a bunch of hopes and dreams
Was carrying a bundle of hearts against the rains
Promised them there will be no cries and pains

It went up higher and higher
It flew smoothly but faster
The sky heard people laughing
The rains saw children playing
The wind witnessed the cheering mankind
Under the rains in the plane of fame

It’s now landed somewhere
It landed out there but no one can tell
They saw burst of light in the middle of sea bay
Was it the one? no one can say

It kills the hopes and dreams
Slashing the hearts with full of pains
Laughs turns into screams
Cheering turns into mourning
As it’s landed no where

May god always gives his bless and safe them whom survive
May god always gives his forgiveness and leads them to the heaven whom have died
I’m sure and let's pray hope sooner or later it would be located. Amin

It’s dedicated to Adam Air Aircraft Boieng 373-400 which reported vanished since the first day of new year 2007 after it took off from Surabaya headed to Manado. No one can locates it till this right second

1 comment:

Luvyuyun said...

Bukit!, Apa elang besar itu merangkak di kakimu?
Semoga bukit menjawab panggilan angin yang mengabarkan resah jiwa kita.

Lautan, jawablah …. Apa elang besar itu menukik kencang ke dalam buih ombak? Kenapa diam? Bukankah hujan telah mengalirkan derai air mata keluarga yang kehilangan ke dalam putaran airmu?

Biarpun bukit dan lautan tetap membisu, Sang penguasa ruh pasti mendengar rintihan doa yang bergema sampai ke langit.
Pasti Dia akan menyibak tirai alam hingga sayap elang itu terlihat lagi.

The plane which was awarded as “the best low cost carrier of the year” is gone? How could this be? A plane is designed and the pilot is trained to deal with “the cruelty of the nature”, so we can't really blame the bad weather. Some people blame on the government. The deregulation of aviation industry allows anyone who doesn’t have strong background in aviation to join the industry. As a result, they cut the costs related to the passengers’ safety. When profit is everything, social responsibility is then left behind. Pemilik modal juga tidak berhak mengintervensi area cockpit. Let the pilots do their jobs properly, gitu loh. When it comes to people’s lives, sudah seharusnya peraturan pendirian perusahaan diperketat ya. Kalaupun sudah beroperasi, kontrol lembaga yang berwenang terhadap standar keselamatan penumpang dan kelayakan penerbangan seharusnya tidak diabaikan.

Btw, operational cost of the plane kan muahal, how can they sell the tickets at low prices? Sebagai konsumen kayaknya kita perlu waspada terhadap perang tarif selama penerbangan di Indonesia masih di anggap “low cost = low safety”.

Eh, aku jadi mikir, nggak mau deh buka usaha salon, soalnya nggak ngerti apa2 soal itu. Ntar pas nge-creambath, salah2 malah nyetrum kepala orang. Kan bisa berabe urusannya!!