Monday, December 25, 2006

It's not your's !!

....They said that those all are belong to them....
....Another one said that it belongs to him.....
....She said that no one but her who owns the most Hi-Tech car in the world....
....It makes me laugh....
....It makes me smile....
....It makes me sick and tired....
....It makes me cry....
....They're all forget....and may be completely don't know.... of them have died yesterday due to an accident....
....I was standing there, wacthing and read the news daily....
....Was waiting for the news....
....It's not about how it happened...
....It's not about what it may caused....
....But I was waiting for the news whether she brings one of her pride along to the grave....
....No news about it....
....Why !?....
....No news about it and none even says it....
....Why !?....
....Do you know why ?....
....It because anything you own in this world is not belong to you but belong to HIM...belongs to The Al-mighty Allah Swt....
....Anything in this world including you and me would go back to HIM....
....Don't forget that !!....WAKE-UP !!

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